Thursday, August 25, 2022

Elements and Principles


Color Scheme

Lenka Clayton

Color Scheme

Personal Photo

Art 21 Response

Marela Zacarias 

Unpredictable / Forever Growing

Color and Texture: The artwork has a multitude of color that pops out at you with a combination of an intense texture with numerous folds and contortions. These factors make her artwork something you are unable to not look at.

Repetition in Composition: Each of her artworks follows a theme of bulbous and almost fabric-like bunching in its shape. This is repeated in everything she makes, every work of hers has many colors and is bunched up. Her work looks like it is squishy and malleable, however, it is solid and stiff.

A Few of my Favorite Things


1.) A 1960s/1970s rotary phone. Because it was my boyfriend's great grandparents' house phone. It reminds me of my need to communicate with family.

2.) A very old key. Because I had bought three old keys at an antique store for myself and my two good friends, we would all have an old key, kind of like friendship bracelets. It reminds me that my friends have the key to my heart.

3.) My grandmother's class ring from 1964. Because I wear it every day to remember her after her passing in 2017.

4.) A 1950's Wind Song perfume bottle. Because the original perfume is still made today. I put the perfume in the bottle which was empty when I bought it. It reminds me that there is still living history out there. 

5.) A 1930's heart locket. Because I wear it every day, my boyfriend gifted it to me for Christmas last year.

Cabinet of Curiosity

  Organic Materials: Fabric, black foam board, straight pins, wood, air dry clay, resin teeth, colored thread, twin, black masking tape 14...